Rajiv Academy for Teacher Education is one of the finest institute of Teacher’s training in north India, having unparalleled standards of Academic Excellence. We are modifying the personality of student teachers to face the global changes in the field of education.
RATE is unswerving in its commitment to remain ever at the forefront and deliver the proficient efficient, talented and skilled future teachers to fulfill the needs of our country. We adopt modern teaching methodologies based on live projects, case studies, action research, presentations and co-curricular activities.
These new kinds of pedagogy assist our students for getting better employment in the field of education every year in different parts of the country.
We have talented and dedicated staff members who have raised this prestigious institution to greater heights and every year our institute is adding a new feather in its cap.
With these few words I welcome all the aspirants of B Ed course, for being a part and parcel of RATE.
Manoj Agarwal
Managing Director